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Body Fat Calculators

Skin Caliper Methods & More

How To Measure Body Fat Percentage Using Skinfold Calipers

The image below shows the areas that are measured to determine body fat percentage using skinfold calipers. All seven regions are used with the 7-site Jackson & Pollock method while only the chest, abdomen and thigh (for a male) or tricep, suprailiac and thigh (for a female) measurements are needed for the 3 site method. Details are provided below to help you obtain accurate measurements in each of the seven areas. After you obtain the required measurements, you may use the body fat calculators further down this page to determine your body fat percentage, fat weight and lean body weight.
body outline showing sites to be measured with fat calipers
Skinfold Measurement Sites

Skinfold Measurement Technique

Skinfold measurements are usually all done on the right side of the body for each of the regions listed below. Pinch the skin between your thumb and index finger to get the skinfold you want then use the calipers to determine the thickness of the skinfold. Remembar to pinch deep enough to get the fat under the skin but not so deep that you are pinching the underlying muscle.


If you were to draw a line from the front of the armpit to the nipple the skinfold measurement would be taken 1/2 way down this line for males (the midpoint between the armpit and nipple) and 1/3 of the way down this line for females (a little closer to the armpit than the nipple). The skinfold calipers would contact the skin on either side of the line - not on the line - making this a diagonal measurement.


This is a vertical skinfold measurement just to the right (2 cm) of the navel.


This is another vertical skinfold measurement made in the front of the thigh half way between the top of the thigh and the kneecap.


This vertical skinfold measurement is made in the back of the tricep, half way between the shoulder and elbow while the arm is hanging relaxed.


Also known as a midaxillary measurement, this one is obtained on the side of the torso. If you follow a line down the side of the body, under the armpit, you will be in the correct location for this measurement when you get to the level that is horizontal to the bottom of the sternum (xiphoid). Imagine standing in a the shallow end of a swimming pool and bending your legs until the water just reached the bottom of your "breastbone". The level that the water would be under your armpit at this point is where the measurement is made. Pinch the skin to make a vertical skinfold for the measurement.


This measurement is made at a 45 degree angle just under the lower tip of the shoulder blade.


Another diagonal measurement, you can make this one by putting your hands on your hips to find the bony prominence under your index finger. The measurement is made just above this prominence, approximately where your index finger was, with the skinfold being in the same orientation that your finger was in.

Body Fat Calculators

Body Fat Calculator

7 Site Method

Age:   yrs
Chest:   mm
Abdomen:   mm
Thigh:   mm
Triceps:   mm
Axilla:   mm
Subscapular:   mm
Suprailiac:   mm

The 7 Site Method

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The Jackson & Pollock 7 site method is the preferred way to calculate your body fat percentage using skinfold calipers. This is a little more accurate than the 3 site method listed below and significantly more accurate than the YMCA method also included on this page. Along with the infomation provided above, if have already purchased skinfold calipers, you may refer to the instructions included with most products for additional information for proper use to obtain accurate measurements. The amazon link provided is for skinfold calipers that are similar to the ones I personally use due to a combination of quality/accuracy and low price - they are cheap but still get the job done.
--- The 7 Site Method Is Preferred For Greater Accuracy ---

Body Fat Calculator

3 Site Method - Male

Age:   yrs
Chest:   mm
Abdomen:   mm
Thigh:   mm

Body Fat Calculator

3 Site Method - Female

Age:   yrs
Triceps:   mm
Suprailiac:   mm
Thigh:   mm

The 3 Site Method

The 3 site version of the Jackson & Pollock method is another valid way to use calipers to determine your body fat percentage. As there is some variability from person to person in the areas of the body where fat if preferrentially stored, the 7 site method above is more likely than the 3 site method to give the most accurate result for a larger portion of the population. However, many people still prefer the 3 site method as they find the results to be similar enough to the 7 site method while only having to measure 3 areas instead of 7. I would recommend trying both methods and seeing how close the results are to each other. If they are quite different, I would advise using the 7 site method. If they are very similar, you could just use the 3 site method. Which ever method you decide to use, it is important to continue to use the same one for serial measurements to avoid any discrepancy between methods resulting in inaccurate tracking of progress. Below are links describing how to use calipers to obtain measurements from the 3 sites required to determine body fat percentages in men and women. Simply plug these numbers into the fat calculators on this page to determine your body fat percentage.

--- The 3 Site Method Offers Convenience With Acceptable Accuracy ---

Body Fat Calculator

Simple YMCA Method

Waist:   inches

The YMCA Method - No Calipers Required

Some people may find the YMCA Method to be accurate for them. However, as this method is based on minimal input without regard to the significant body type variations from person to person, many people will find this method to be very inaccurate. To see if this is accurate in your specific case, compare the results of this method to the skinfold methods listed above. Even if this method does not give an accurate reading in the absolute sense, it may still be very valuable when used in the context of serial measurements. If your body fat percentage is improving from week to week using this method, you know you are headed in the right direction. Heck, just measuring your waist once a month may give you all the information you need with regard to making progress!